Unclog Drain Ellisville, MO

Unclog Drain in Ellisville, MO. Been typing "unclog drain" into your browser all day? Tried a plunger? Store-bought liquid drain cleaners? Baking soda and vinegar? Even a bent wire hanger? If nothing's working, it's time to call Drain Cleaning St. Louis to have a licensed master plumber and drainlayer unclog your drain. Some jobs can only be completed by professionals, and not addressing a clogged drain promptly can result in costly damage to your plumbing in the future. If you need unclog drain services in Ellisville, MO, call us today at 314-972-2233 or reach out to us online. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here for emergency drain cleaning in Ellisville, MO.

Why Drains Get Clogged | Unclog Drain Ellisville, MO

Different drains get backed up for different reasons. Knowing the causes of clogged drains can help you avoid them in the future.

  • Toilet Drain Cleaning

    Excess toilet paper is usually to blame, but other sorts of paper and hygiene products like paper towels, Q-tips, or diapers — which you should never flush down a toilet — often cause clogs as well. If any product apart from toilet paper calls itself "flushable," it's not.

  • Basement Cleaning

    Basement drains can become clogged when a toilet's clogged, dirt is swept into the drain, or with the heavy rainfall we often see in Ellisville, MO.

  • Bathtub Drain Cleaning

    Hair is almost always the reason bathtub and shower drains become clogged. Soap scum, dirt, and even mineral buildup from water can also result in clogs in your pipes.

  • Sink Drain Cleaning

    Kitchen sinks often clog because of food, such as grease from plates, eggshells, stringy vegetables, and coffee grounds. With bathroom sinks, too much toothpaste, hair, dirt, nail clippings, and Q-tips are often to blame.

While this might be helpful in the future, right now you need that drain unclogged in your Ellisville, MO home. Reach out to Drain Cleaning St. Louis now at 314-972-2233 for unclog drain services in Ellisville, MO.

Unclog Drain Ellisville, MO | Drain Cleaning Services Near Ellisville| Drain Cleaning St. Louis

How Plumbers Unclog Drains in Ellisville, MO

While some DIY options are handy sometimes a job can only be done right by a professional. We we have been unclogging drains for over 10 years. The first thing we'll do when we get to your Ellisville, MO home is to carry out a drain camera inspection to inspect your plumbing system and find the underlying reason behind your clogged drain. Once we know the the problem is, we'll decide on one of approaches that best fits the issue and your your home's plumbing system:

  • Chemicals: Store-bought liquid drain cleaners can unclog some drains, but are often ineffective or temporary solutions for tough clogs or drain issues that keep coming back. However, only professional plumbers are allowed to buy the high concentrations of hydrochloric acid required to unclog a drain of serious clogs. The acid erode certain pipes, so chemicals aren't necessarily the best solution. Your plumber at Drain Cleaning St. Louis will know whether or not using chemicals is a good idea.
  • A Drain Snake or Drain Auger: Also called a plumber's snake, these can be either manual or motorized. Generally, snakes are used to unclog drains that are smaller, for example your bathroom sink, and augers are meant for larger drains such as a toilet. They consist of long, coiled cords with a hook, or other object that can grab and break up clogs, on the end. The lines are fed into the drain and then cranked, unclogging the drain.
  • Hydro Jetting: When nothing else will work, your master plumber at Drain Cleaning St. Louis will unclog your drain by using high-pressure water jets down in order to clear out the most difficult blockages.

The contractors at Drain Cleaning St. Louis are all licensed master plumbers and drainlayers with St. Louis City and St. Louis county. We've been unclogging drains in Ellisville, MO for over 10 years and have yet to find a drain we couldn't handle.

Unclog Drain in Ellisville, MO | Drain Cleaning Services Near Ellisville | Drain Cleaning St. Louis

How to Know When You Need Drain Cleaning | Unclog Drain Ellisville, MO

Of course, you may never have to search "unclog drain" at all if you maintain a healthy drain and plumbing system. Below are 6 tell-tale signs that you need drain cleaning even if your drains aren't completely clogged:

  1. Slow Drains and Standing Water: Slow running drains usually indicate there there is some blockage in your pipes. If your basement has standing water after it rains, or water collects in your shower and takes a while to drain, get in touch with Draining Cleaning St. Louis immediately.
  2. Foul Odors: If you notice a stench anywhere near a drain, it could be an indication that there is a blockage somewhere in your pipes or that you need replacement p-traps.
  3. Multiple Clogged Lines: If your several drains in your Ellisville, MO home are all having issues, it could mean that the problem is with the main sewer line, and not the individual drains. When that happens, it's a good idea to get sewer drain cleaning immediately to avoid more serious damage to your Ellisville, MO home.
  4. Water Backing Up: If your toilet line is clogged, it could cause water to back up in your bathtub or sink.
  5. Gurgling Sounds: Even if your lines are draining normally, gurgling sounds indicate that there is a backup behind the scenes. The gurgling is due to water rushing past the air bubbles that form when clogs happen.
  6. Fruit Flies: Fruit flies love drains and pipes with leftover food in them. if you notice fruit flies flying around your kitchen sink, you need professional drain cleaning.

If you're experiencing any of the above signs, or a combination thereof, you should get drain cleaning services as soon as possible, or you'll be left typing "unclog drain" into your phone at on a Saturday morning. In the worst case, waiting to get drain cleaning might lead to infections and other health issues.

Check out the links below to see what other services we offer in Ellisville, MO:

Unclog Drain Ellisville, MO | Drain Cleaning St. Louis

Our certified master plumbers provide prompt and polite service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always staying on top of the latest technologies to offer Ellisville, MO individuals and families the best plumbing and drain cleaning service possible. We're a one-stop-shop for all your plumbing needs in Ellisville, MO. Beyond drain cleaning, we offer numerous plumbing services, including water and sewer line repair and installation. If you need to unclog a drain in Ellisville, MO, call Drain Cleaning St. Louis now at 314-972-2233 or contact us online.